Women and Children are key populations in our society and contribute largely to the production sector. However, they are often faced with numerous challenges that hinder full enjoyment of their rights.
While progress has been made in some areas, many of the challenges and obstacles for instance those identified in 1995 during the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing still remains. In addition, the new challenges for women’s empowerment and gender equality that have emerged over the past decade, such as the feminization of the AIDS epidemic, gender based violence and increasing of early child marriages which all need to be more effectively addressed. This justifies the inclusion of gender equality and women’s empowerment as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals, indicating the gravity of the issue.
PaCT believes that empowered women largely contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities, and they improve prospects for the next generation. It’s on this basis that for the last 8 years PaCT has strived to address one of the most world’s challenge of women and children abuses through empowering and training both women and children on their rights including discriminatory marriage laws, Children’s rights and responsibilities, land rights, property and inheritance laws. Other interventions include engaging Alternative Dispute Resolutions for women and their husbands, addressing pregnancy and child related deaths and reduction of women illiteracy by promoting Girl Child Education.