The lockdown as a result of COVID 19 in Uganda, has left HIV+ children gravely affected by lack of basic needs such as food, thus compromising the effectiveness of their treatment. Lack of proper nutrition, has left many starving, hardly having a meal a day. This exposes them to treatment failure and increased viral load which may see more deaths even after the pandemic. Project aims at saving life for 250 HIV+ children by providing food nutritious porridge, milk etc in Mityana Districts.
Total goal: $10,000| Remaining: $8,886| Donors: 19| Monthly Donors: 0 | Months:3
The confirmation of COVID 19 in Uganda on 21st March 2020 came with several measures to curb the spread of the virus, including a ban on social gathering and sealed with a total lock-down for 2months now. Despite the effectiveness of the measures, the country’s economy has suffered a grave setback with closure of over 4200 companies and hike of food prices. The situation has led to limited access to feeding necessities for HIV+ children which posses serious setback on treatment adherence.
The project aims at providing appropriate feeding needs including maize flour, beans, nutritious porridge and milk to 250 HIV positive children in Mityana & Gomba Districts of Uganda. In addition the project will establish 20 vegetable demonstration gardens for families with children living with HIV/AIDS in Mityana and Gomba Districts. Once the children have access to appropriate feeding, they take their HIV treatment effectively to ensure high adherence levels and avoid drug resistance.

Long-Term Impact
The demonstration vegetable gardens will provide knowledge to family members of Children living with HIV which will allow them to continue the operation of the gardens even after COVID 19. It’s also expected that the families can use the gardens to increase their household income by selling surplus harvests. The provision of food such as maize flour, porridge will help children adhere well to the treatment and avoid the necessary risks due to poor adherence such increased viral load and death.
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