Social Economic Empowerment

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  3. Core Programmes
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  5. Social Economic Empowerment

Increased incomes status for youth and women groups for sustainable livelihoods

To ensure sustainability for the support given to children and youth to access and complete their education, PaCT undertakes several initiatives to economically empower benefitting households and youth to engage in income-generating activities. At the household level support is provided to parents and guardians to expand their production capacities, improve their farming practices and also to engage in alternative livelihoods which are not land or farm-based given the growing scarcity of land.

PaCT also strengthens the capacity of community groups and households to engage in a sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) for acquisition of investment capital. The trained groups are linked to existing financial services including government programmes such as OWC, YLP, WEP, PCA, EMYOOGA. Furthermore, PaCT takes the approach of engaging with BTVET institutions to provide module Business Development and Management training in addition to the technical skills to boost capacity of business establishment, management and sustainability as shown in the below approaches

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