Improved access to sustainable clean and safe water to individuals in the targeted communities
In Uganda access to safe water is still a major challenge with only 68% of the population accessing safe and clean water. According to the Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment (2016), access to safe water is estimated at 31% in Mubende 68% District Mityana, 71% Kiboga, 48% Kyankwanzi, Kakumiro 32% and 81% in Ggomba District (Uganda Water Atlas). With such a huge challenge regarding access to safe and clean water in the Mubende region, PaCT and her development partners have focused on engaging communities to gain meaningful access to safe and clean water while at the same time improve their the hygiene and sanitation outcomes.
PaCT establishes Water Management Committees and are trained together with Community Hygiene Promoters to take lead in site construction and ensure continued sustainable management of the constructed water points. Community volunteers have also taken lead in monitoring the general hygiene and sanitation of the entire communities where our projects are being implemented. PaCT focuses largely on water points that benefit a large population of people and these include boreholes, spring protection, hand-dug wells and rain water harvest systems on public institutions. Water is often tested by the district laboratories before its pronounced safe for human consumption.
All communities supported with the development of water points are encouraged to establish a maintaince fund which is contributed to by every household that benefits from the water point. This has always helped the communities to repair their wells in case they break down, thus ensuring meaningful sustainability.
Area of coverage
Water Technologies

PaCT largely focus on creation of water access points including drilling and rehabilitation of boreholes, protection of spring well, construction of

PaCT works in partnership with government offices and schools to reduce the pupil latrine stance by constructing latrines with emphasis put of girl friendly latrine