Improved knowledge, attitude and practices on WASH
Hygiene refers to behaviors that can improve cleanliness and lead to good health, such as frequent handwashing, bathing with soap and water and general body and home cleanliness.
PaCT undertakes hygiene promotion activities aimed at reducing water-borne diseases among the people served. This also helps to build self-esteem in people when they have clean homesteads. We also sensitize children because they are the future parents who need the knowledge to raise better citizens. While undertaking this we use community-based approaches such as SARAR, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST), Community-led total Sanitation (CLTS), Community Health Clubs (CHCs) and Sanitation marketing approaches which combine enterprise approaches with demand stimulation.
Community members and Pupils are always sensitized on proper sanitation and hygiene and encouraged to always throw rubbish in the rubbish bins or pit, wash hand every after visiting latrine and even before eating anything.
PaCT strengthens the capacity of Health inspectors and Village Health team who work as the volunteers in creating awareness and making follow-up visits to households to monitor the sanitation and hygiene improvement in homes. Emphasis is put on Latrines, Handwashing facilities, well-constructed bathroom with drainage, dishracks with a soak pit and a rubbish pit.